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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Surprise! I got you exactly what you wanted.

Have you ever received something from someone that may have been nice, but really wasn't what you wanted? You gave the normal, "Oh...thank you" while at the same time thinking, "they really don't know me." This gets especially awkward when it's your spouse.

My husband's birthday is coming up in August and I know exactly what to get him. It's not because we have been married for 12 years and I know him so well. It's not because I have been paying extra attention to hear what he's wanting. I do not have psychic powers. So how do I know what to get him? He told me and I bought it.

You see we created a book of gifts. Half of the book is mine and the other half is his. When either of us thinks of something that we might want as a gift, we write it in the book. When a special occasion comes around, we look in the book and pick from the items that are listed. All the guess work is gone. Now I love surprises, so one might say "that's no fun," but it is. My list may have 20 items so I have no idea which one he'll choose. What I do know is I will be pleased with what he gets for me.

I've learned that while I get so excited with surprises, my husband is more excited with receiving what he wants. For a while in our marriage, I would strike out in the gift giving department. I would give him things that made me excited. When he got it I would get the "Oh...thanks." This would cause conflict because I wanted him to be as excited as I was. He just wanted to receive what he wanted. So what's the easiest way to know what to get? Ask!

I hear so many women talking about their upcoming occasions and the hope that their spouse will get them what they want. When asked if they told him what they wanted, I get the statement "He should know what I want." This my friends is a set up for failure. A husband getting his wife what she wants because she told him, doesn't make the gift any less special. I get the best gifts and the best surprises because I write it down. My hubby has a map to my happiness.


  1. Great Post! I've always been an advocate of people telling me what they want for special occasions, or at least giving me a list of things that they would appreciate having. My mother is like this too! I have a lot of her traits, but don't let her know I told you!

    The fact that people don't do this on a regular basis is why so many end up with money in an envelope, or a gift card to Wally World, with a note attached saying, "Go Crazy!"

    I do like the idea of a "Gift Book." That really would make life a lot simpler, and you'd always know your gift would be a hit with the giftee. Thanks for the idea, and keep up the great posting!

  2. Kevin and I do the same thing and have had people tell us that we ruin the surprise. But this way works for us too. But the book idea is awesome! Hope you don't mind if I copy it :} Love the post.

  3. We have adopted this idea (thanks to you guys) and it has worked TREMENDOUSLY!!! We've found when we do this, we guard against the sin of lying! ;)
